
Leading for Success

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Leading for success is intended to provide managers with practical advice and tips on how to become an effective leader.

Whatever the environment in which you work, providing effective leadership fosters a climate where team members want to give of their best and where organisational goals are more likely to be reached.Furthemore there is a strong focus on leadership and the creation of stakeholder value for an organisation.

Whether you are new to leadership, or have been a leader for some time, this book will help you develop your leadershiip skills. It is designed to assist you in understanding the characteristics of an effecticve leader, to help you assess where your strengths and development areas are and to create a plan of action for realising your leadership potential.

Author: Sarah Cook
Publisher: IT Governance
ISBN: 97819053569
Price: £24.99 including carriage

Last Updated: Thursday, 13 February 2025 00:43