Projector Hire
High quality Projector Hire
Only £60 per day plus delivery and VAT
Ideal for training, meetings, events and conferences.
Quick and reliable service
Delivery includes telephone set up support
Same day delivery possible if urgently required
7 Days a week service
Contact us on 01628 526535
Creating a Vision
- 80-100 minutes
- 6-120
- £85.00
This is a team activity that is reflective yet at the same time generates excitement and interest. It is suitable for teams, departments, cross-functional working groups as well as organisations as a whole. DOWNLOAD NOW
Projector Hire
- £60.00
High quality Projector Hire.
Only £60 per day plus delivery and VAT.
Ideal for training, meetings, events and conferences.
Same day delivery possible if urgently required.
7 Days a week. Call 01628 526535