Change Management

Creating a Vision

  • image description80-100 minutes
  • image description6-120
  • image description £85.00

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Brief description of activity

This is a team activity that is reflective yet at the same time generates excitement and interest. It is suitable for teams, departments, cross-functional working groups as well as organisations as a whole. It requires participants to contribute so that all the team believe they have a say in the vision of the team, department or organisation.

If you wish to develop a vision for your entire organisation, we recommend that you involve a cross-section of employees in focus groups of between 4 and 10 people. The facilitator discusses with the group what the purpose of a vision is and the criteria it needs to fulfil. The Facilitator helps the team to identify their vision, script the phrases which best reflect this and select the one that they believe best represents a motivational and inspiring vision.

Contents of this Pack:

Facilitator’s Briefing Activity

Instructions for the team

Handouts for the team

  • Use a process for creating a powerful vision that unifies the group
  • Develop a short, inspirational and memorable vision that captures the future aspirations of the team, department or organisation
  • Introduce the activity
  • Facilitate a structured process for creating and selecting a vision
  • Liaise with the team leader, sponsor or manager to agree the best way to communicate the vision
Last Updated: Tuesday, 08 October 2024 08:30