Understanding Customer Types


The aim of this workshop is to equip you with the skills and confidence to successfully understand your own and customer types and to match your own style to the customer, thereby delivering excellent service

Who should attend?

Anyone who wishes to enhance the service they provide by developing a better understanding of their own and customer types and how to deal with them in a customer focused manner


By the end of the workshop you will be able to:

• Describe and recognise the different customer types and what they expect in terms of service delivery face to face, on the telephone and in writing
• Identify your own type and the impact this has on others
• Flex your style to match and pace the different customer types, thereby delivering excellent service

Course Overview:

• What are the different types of customer?
• How can you recognise them?
• What do they look for in terms of service delivery?
• Recognising your own type and the impact this has on others
• Flexing your style to meet the needs of the customer
• Practice sessions with one to one feedback
• Action planning

Style of the Course:

The course is highly active and participative. During the workshop participants undertake activities, exercises and discussions to help them put what they learn into practice.

Course Length:

One day Workshop 09.00 to 17.00 with an hour for lunch.

We can run this course for you in-company at favourable rates for 4 or more people. Please contact us on 01628 526535 or email us.

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