The WIFI Engagement Survey
Please indicate your agreement on a scale of one to ten to the following questions where 1 and 2 indicates disagree very strongly through to 9 or 10 indicating your very strong agreement. There are no right or wrongs, your honest opinions count.
Section 1:
1.The organisation recruits and selects the right people to the right jobs
Your score out of 10: ______________
2. I receive appropriate training and development to help me do my job well
Your score out of 10: ______________
3. I have a personal development plan that helps me grow and develop my career
Your score out of 10: ______________
4.I have ample opportunity to develop my skills, knowledge and behaviours
Your score out of 10: ______________
5.I am given the appropriate level of authority to do a good job
Your score out of 10: ______________
6. I am satisfied with the opportunities there are to develop my career
Your score out of 10: ______________
7. The organisation recognises and develops people’s talents
Your score out of 10: ______________
8. I receive appropriate pay and benefits for the job that I do
Your score out of 10: ______________
9. In the past month I have received praise and recognition for a job well done
Your score out of 10: ______________
10. My manager reviews my performance with me on a one to one basis at least once every six months
Your score out of 10: ______________
Section 2:
11. My immediate line manager makes me feel my contributions are valued
Your score out of 10: ______________
12. I feel appropriately involved in decision making.
Your score out of 10: ______________
13. I am able to voice my views to my manager
Your score out of 10: ______________
14. My manager listens and acts on my views
Your score out of 10: ______________
15. Managers in this organisation encourage two-way communication that promotes open and honest dialogue and understanding
Your score out of 10: ______________
16. Teamwork is encouraged in my work unit
Your score out of 10: ______________
17. The organisation promotes internal cooperation
Your score out of 10: ______________
18. I feel part of a family working for this organisation
Your score out of 10: ______________
19. I trust my colleagues to do a good job
Your score out of 10: ______________
20. I am encouraged to come up with new ways of doing things
Your score out of 10: ______________
Section 3:
21. My immediate line manager cares for me as a person
Your score out of 10: ______________
22. This organisation makes an effective contribution to the community
Your score out of 10: ______________
23. This organisation promotes equal opportunities
Your score out of 10: ______________
24. I am not over-loaded with work to do
Your score out of 10: ______________
25. I have appropriately stimulating and challenging work
Your score out of 10: ______________
26. The organisation promotes the health and well-being of employees
Your score out of 10: ______________
27. I am happy with my work-life balance
Your score out of 10: ______________
28. The organisation has appropriate family friendly policies
Your score out of 10: ______________
29. I have the appropriate resources to do my job well
Your score out of 10: ______________
30. I can relate to the values of this organisation
Your score out of 10: ______________
Section 4:
31. Communication across the organisation is effective
Your score out of 10: ______________
32. The goals of this organisation are clear
Your score out of 10: ______________
33. I receive timely information to help me do my job well
Your score out of 10: ______________
34. I have trust in the leaders of this organisation
Your score out of 10: ______________
35. I have a clear understanding of the vision of this organisation
Your score out of 10: ______________
36. The job that I do adds value to the organisation
Your score out of 10: ______________
37. I am clear what is expected of me in my role
Your score out of 10: ______________
38. Senior managers lead by example
Your score out of 10: ______________
39. I am informed at appropriate intervals about what our customers think about us
Your score out of 10: ______________
40. I am aware of the values of the organisation
Your score out of 10: ______________
Section 5:
41. I am proud to work for this organisation
Your score out of 10: ______________
42I would recommend this organisation to others as a good place to work
Your score out of 10: ______________
43. I care about the future of this organisation
Your score out of 10: ______________
44. I would recommend to my friends and family to do business with this organisation
Your score out of 10: ______________
45. I am willing to go the extra mile on behalf of the organisation
Your score out of 10: ______________
Section 1:Relates to Fairness
1. The organisation recruits and selects the right people to the right jobs
2. I receive appropriate training and development to help me do my job
3. I have a personal development plan that helps me grow and develop my career
4. I have ample opportunity to develop my skills, knowledge and behaviours
5. I am given the appropriate level of authority to do a good job
6. I am satisfied with the opportunities there are to develop my career
7. The organisation recognises and develops people’s talents
8. I receive appropriate pay and benefits for the job that I do
9. In the past month I have received praise and recognition for a job well done
10. My manager reviews my performance with me on a one to one basis at least once every six months
Total score: Fairness_________________
Section 2:Relates to Involvement
11. My immediate line manager makes me feel my contributions are valued
12. I feel appropriately involved in decision making.
13. I am able to voice my views to my manager
14. My manager listens and acts on my views
15. Managers in this organisation encourage two-way communication that promotes open and honest dialogue and understanding
16. Teamwork is encouraged in my work unit
17. The organisation promotes internal cooperation
18. I feel part of a family working for this organisation
19. I trust my colleagues to do a good job
20. I am encouraged to come up with new ways of doing things
Total score: Involvement______________________
Section 3:Relates to Well Being
21. My immediate line manager cares for me as a person
22. This organisation makes an effective contribution to the community
23. This organisation promotes equal opportunities
24. I am not over-loaded with work to do
25. I have appropriately stimulating and challenging work
26. The organisation promotes the health and well-being of employees
27. I am happy with my work-life balance
28. The organisation has appropriate family friendly policies
29. I have the appropriate resources to do my job well
30. I can relate to the values of this organisation
Total score Well Being_____________________
Section 4:Information
31. Communication across the organisation is effective
32. The goals of this organisation are clear
33. I receive timely information to help me do my job well
34. I have trust in the leaders of this organisation
35. I have a clear understanding of the vision of this organisation
36. The job that I do adds value to the organisation
37. I am clear what is expected of me in my role
38. Senior managers lead by example
39. I am informed at appropriate intervals about what our customers think about us
40. I am aware of the values of the organisation
Total score: Involvement:_____________
Section 5:Indicators of the degree of engagement
41. I am proud to work for this organisation
42. I would recommend this organisation to others as a good place to work
43. I care about the future of this organisation
44. I would recommend to my friends and family to do business with this organisation
45. I am willing to go the extra mile on behalf of the organisation
Total score: Degree of engagement:_____________
You can also download an electronic copy of this diagnostic tool by visiting our website
How to interpret your score
Like a network, the WIFI model of engagement is made up of some basic components which when brought together are very powerful. It identifies the four key elements that drive employee engagement:
• Well being
• Information
• Fairness
• Involvement
Scores for the four WIFI sections
For each question our experience is that the average score is 7 out of 10. So when you total each of the first four sections: Well-being, Information, Fairness and Involvement, each person’s individual scores (or the average scores of all the questionnaires) will indicate the following for each section:
Scores 75 and over out of 100: This score would indicate a high degree of engagement in this element
Scores 55 to 74: This score would indicate an average degree of engagement in this aspect of WIFI
Scores 1 to 54: This score would indicate a low degree of engagement in this aspect of WIFI.
Scores for the indicators of the degree of employee engagement
For section 5: Indicators of the Degree of Engagement, your scores will predict the following:
Scores 32 and over: This score would indicate a high degree of engagement
Scores 22 to 31: This score would indicate an average degree of engagement
Scores 1 to 21: This score would indicate a low degree of engagement.
In addition look at the lowest scoring aspects of each of the WIFI sections and the three lowest scoring items for the whole questionnaire. This should give you an indication of they key areas for improvement.
Overall score
If the overall score for all five sections is 332 and above, this indicates an above average degree of engagement.
Looking at all five sections of the survey, if the overall score is between 242 and 331, this indicates an average degree of engagement.
If the overall score for all five sections of the survey is between 5 and 241, this indicates a lower than average degree of engagement.
For more information on the WIFI model, see ‘The Essential Guide to Employee Engagement’ by Sarah Cook, published by Kogan Page.
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Article by Sarah Cook of the Stairway Consultancy. Specialists in Leadership, Customer Services, Team Building and Personal Effectiveness.
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