Leadership Development Books and Articles
We have written a wide number of books and articles on the topic of Leadership Development. You can view our publications by clicking on the links below. Feel free to download our articles on the proviso that you ensure you credit The Stairway Consultancy if you use them. You can also buy any of our books through the Stairway Training Shop.
Change management
Organisational change has become a way of life. Stairway’s book Change Management Excellence provides practical guidance on how to effectively manage change. The following Stairway articles are also highly informative and practical on the topic of change management: Implementing Change, Managing Change, Political Intelligence and Change and Keeping Abreast of Change and Successful Change Management.
Coaching and performance management
Coaching is a powerful tool which helps create ownership and accountability inthe workplace
. Stairway’s book: Coaching for High Performance is a practical guide to how to become an effective coach. Articles such as A High Performance Culture Through Effective Feedback and Building a High Performance Team provide useful guidelines. Other popular articles that we have written include: Coping with Unplanned Absences and Setting Task & Behavioural Objectives.
Employee Engagement
Stairway research into employee engagement has identified that there are four factors needed to encourage employees to offer discretionary effort. In Stairway’s book on employee engagement, The Essential Guide to Employee Engagement, we introduce the WIFI model of engagement. You can download a copy of the WIFI assessment by clicking on The WIFI Engagement Survey.
Another useful article on the topic is Unplanned Absences and Employee Engagement as well as the book Perfect Empowerment.
Leading for Success is a short book that provides the essentials of leadership and how to apply them. The book is easy to read and highly practical. You can also find practical advice on leadership in Leadership in a Difficult Climate, the Leadership Potential Model and Leading Change Intelligently. Leaders are a prime influence in the success of an organisation. The Stairway articles Leading for Success and How to Make the most of Role Modelling provide leaders with practical advice. We also give tips on how leaders can Build Employee Trust into their Organisation and Face up to Blind spots.
Leading in a Service Environment
Stairway's latest book Leading the Customer Experience provides practical tips, tools and insights about the actions that leaders can take to create a culture of service excellence. To obtain a copy of the book at a discounted price see images/detail leading the customer experience.pdf
Stairway’s book Customer Care Excellence is now in its 6th edition. It outlines the key role that leaders take in creating a climate where the organisation is focused on the customer. Some powerful tips also appear in the Stairway articles Creating a Customer-Orientated Culture and Customer Focused Leaders.
Leaders who are service-orientated have high levels of emotional intelligence. The articles Using Emotional Intelligence to serve the customer and Driving Growth through customer service outline how leaders can improve their service orientation.
Another aspect of creating a customer service culture is Rewarding Service Success. The article Twenty ways to recognise and reward service excellence is full of practical tips in this respect.
Management Development
The Stairway book The Effective Manager provides a great start to first line managers on what it takes to be effective, as do our videos The Manager as Team Leader and The Manager as Trainer.
Talent Management
Nurturing talent is increasingly important in order for an organisation to be successful. The following articles provide sound insight into talent management: Providing the Basis for Identifying and Nurturing Talent and Talent Management Identification. If you wish to implement a talent management programme you will also find Talent Management Implementation and Talent Management Learning and Development essential reading.
Vision and Strategy
Having a clear vision and strategy is essential to success. Creating a Vision and Senior Managers Effective Strategy in a Recession are two Stairway articles which provide practical guidance on how to do this. You can also learn more about strategic leadership in action via the article Shackleton and the Antarctic - What We Can Learn About Leadership Strategy in an Upside Down World.
For further information on Stairway leadership and management development programmes email us or call on 01628 526 535.
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