Customer Experience Books and Articles


Customer Experience Books and Customer Experience Articles and DVDs

Over the years we have written and had published a wide number of books and articles on customer experience. These are based on our hands on experience of improving customer experience across a wide number of global businesses.

Customer Experience Books

Our latest book, Leading the Customer Experience  provides practical insights and examples of how leaders via their actions can create a customer focused culture. Packed with examples of best practice and practical tools and tips, Leading the Customer Experience, like all our publications, is available to purchase via our on-line shop. To obtain a copy of the book at a discounted price see Leading the Customer Experience Discount.

Our most popular book, Customer Care Excellence is in its 6th edition. Click here to find a free copy of the introductory chapter: Customer Care Excellence Introductory chapter.

If you are looking to implement change in your organisation, see the Stairway book Change Management Excellence. Click here to find a free copy of the introductory chapter: Change Management Excellence - Start of Introductory Chapter.

A companion book in this series is The Essential Guide to Employee Engagement. This book provides practical techniques and case studies on how to encourage employees to go the extra mile for the customer. It also introduces Stairway’s WIFI model of engagement. Click here for a free diagnostic.

Complaint Management Excellence looks at best practice in handling complaints. Dealing with complaints well is an important factor in gaining customer loyalty and trust. Complaint Handling Excellence provides guidelines, case studies and techniques on how to ensure that how you handle complaints is world class.

Books and Articles Customer Experience Vision and Strategy

Unless you have a clear vision and strategy for customer experience in your organisation then customer care will not be truly embedded in your business. Here are some Stairway articles to help you create a clear vision and strategy: Developing a Powerful Vision and Values to Help Bring about Change and Developing Strategy. You will also find more on strategy in the customer experience in a recession section below.

Articles on creating a customer experience culture

Some insightful articles we have written are Creating a Customer-Orientated Culture in Customer Experience and Customer Focused Leaders - Customer Experience. You will also find Creating a High Performance Culture through Effective Feedback a useful resource as well as Creating a customer focused organisation and Creating a Culture of Internal Customer Excellence.  You can see an overview of our approach to creating a customer experience culture in Understanding Organisational Culture for Customer Experience. There is a case study on creating a customer experience culture in Change Management at Midlands Cooperative Society - Customer Experience.

You can gain useful tips on customer experience for your business in Customer Experience in Your Organisation and whether culture change is right for you in Culture Change in Your Organisation. In addition we have produced a useful video The Manager as Service Provider - DVD and an article  Empowerment is important in a customer experience environment. Perfect Empowerment is a useful resource to help you create more empowerment in your organisation.

Books and Articles for managers on customer experience

Stairway have produced practical tips for managers in a customer experience environment called 5 tips for delivering excellent customer experience and Service Hotspots. We also have written other tips for managers such as Getting Closer to the CustomerKeeping the Best: Employee Retention in a Customer Experience Environment and Advice to a Call Centre Manager - Customer Experience. For a summary of why customer focus is important for business leaders see Customer Focused Leaders – Customer Experience and Employee Engagement and Customer Focus.

Customer Experience in a Difficult Climate Podcasts and Articles

In difficult economic conditions businesses more than ever need to focus on customer experience. Stairway has a podcast on the topic: Customer Experience in a Recession Podcast as well as various articles Customer Experience in a Recession article, Driving Growth Through Customer Experience and Effective Strategy in a Recession - Customer Experience. You will find useful tips in the article: In the Teeth of Difficult Economic Conditions.

You will also find a thought provoking article relevant to today’s economic conditions in Outsourcing your Services - Customer Experience and If Customer Experience is so Important, How Come it's Done so Badly?

Books, Articles and DVDs on Customer Experience Training

We have published a wide range of easy to use training material for customer experience. You will find many training games on customer experience in our Training Shop.

You can also purchase tried and tested customer experience training material in such volumes as 20 Training Workshops for Customer Care and Customer Experience Skills Toolkit. We also have a Customer Experience Skills DVD: Customer Experience Skills in Your Organisation.

Other useful customer experience reference material is Using Emotional Intelligence to Serve the Customer and Secret Service making Customer Experience Work - DVD.

You can find hints and tips on effective customer Experience training in Is your Customer Experience Training Missing its Mark?

Articles on Complaint Handling

We have a vast amount of experience in helping organisations improve the way they handle their customer complaints. Articles such as E-service Recovery outline our approach as does Managing Conflict in a Customer Experience Environment.

Books and Articles on Customer Experience Diagnostics

We have published a compendium of customer experience questionnaires and inventories to help you diagnose the levels of customer experience in your organisation as well as help with your training. These are Compendium of Customer Service Questionnaires and Inventories and Compendium of Customer Service Questionnaires and Inventories - Vol 1&2 DVD.

A useful customer experience diagnostic is X-Ray your Organisation - How to Conduct a Customer Centric Health Check. Also see our articles Does your Organisation have a Customer Focus? and Service Hotspots.

Books and Articles on Customer Experience Improvement

Stairway has written a wide range of material on the topic of customer experience improvement. This includes how to measure externally Measuring Customer Experience Effectiveness and Practical Benchmarking. Stairway also has practical advice on making improvements to customer experience within the organisation such as Process Improvement and Customer Experience Standards and Customer Experience Level Agreements.

You can also find useful lessons on problem solving in Creative Problem Solving and Facilitation Toolkit. In addition we have a video on The Manager as Problem Solver - DVD.

Articles on Customer Experience Reward and Recognition

Recognising and rewarding excellent service is a key element in creating and sustaining a customer orientated business. The Stairway articles Rewarding Customer Experience Success and Rewarding, Recognising and Motivating Customer Excellence Staff provide useful and practical advice. You will also find practical tools and techniques in Twenty ways to Recognise and Reward Customer Experience Excellence.

Books and Articles on Customer Excellence Measurement

It is essential to measure customer satisfaction and retention levels. You can find useful advice on how to do this in Listen and Learn - Customer Experience as well as Running Effective Customer Focus Groups. We have also written two books on the topic: Measuring Customer Experience Effectiveness and Practical Benchmarking.

Free Customer Experience Diagnostics:

Does your organisation have a Customer Focus? Use the free Stairway diagnostics to assess your strengths and areas for improvement in customer experience.

How Engaged are your Employees? Use the free Stairway diagnostics to assess your how willing your employees are to go the extra mile for the customer.

For more information on how we can help your organisation develop its customer experience capability, please contact or telephone 01628 526535.


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