We have published a wide range of books, manuals and articles. You can view our publications by clicking on the links below. Feel free to download our articles on the proviso that you ensure you credit The Stairway Consultancy if you use them. You can also buy any of our books through the Stairway Training Shop.
Our published material falls into 4 categories:
Leadership Development books and articles
Customer Service books and articles
Advice to a Call Centre Manager
Managing a communications or service centre can be exacting, especially for newly appointed managers. In this article the authors conduct a question and answer session to look at the problems facing such a manager who is coming to terms with the more
Being Health & Safety Conscious When Running Games
Running a training game or activity can present health and safety issues for the participants. In this short article Sarah Cook outlines the potential hazards and how to overcome them.In preparing to run a training activity or game, the trainer or more
Buying an off the Shelf Game
Many trainers find it time and resource effective to purchase a ready made game to incorporate as part of a training event. There are many such games on the market, but how do you select the correct one? What selection criteria should you use? more
Change Management at Midlands Co-op Society
Midlands Cooperative Society or Midlands Co-op as it is better known, is the second largest independent retail Co-operative Society in the UK. Employing over 7,000 staff, it has gross sales in excess of £744 million. It also has a substantial more
Constructive Conflict Management
Conflict inside an organisation can seriously weaken its ability to stay in touch with customer needs and deliver satisfaction. A customer rang to query a retailer's failure to deliver her new washing machine that morning. The service more
Chapter 1 - Change Management Excellence
Change Management Excellence using the intelligences for successful organisational changeChapter 1IntroductionIn recent years change in the business environment has become a way of life. Advancements in technology, the pace of competition, more
Creating a Customer Focused Organisation
In today's competitive market place there are few organisations who do not desire to be customer-focused.. Statistics show just how crucial customer retention can be:Reducing customer defects can boost profits by 25 - 85% (Harvard Business School) more
Customer Care Excellence Chapter 1
We have become a service economy. Yet few organisations are truly delighting their customers. This chapter introduces the concept of service quality and defines what this means to the customer. At the end of this and subsequent chapters, a more
Linking Learning Needs Analysis to Business Needs
What is the link between learning needs analysis and business needs? How can you anticipate the training that may be required to meet the future demands of the business? How can the training professional ensure that the needs of the business more
Creating a Customer-Orientated Culture
In today's competitive market place there can be few organisations who do not desire to be customer-focused, and even fewer who do not recognise how important employees are in delivering this. The bad news is that yet few are truly succeeding.In more
Creating a High Performance Culture through Effective Feedback
It is generally accepted that an effective manager creates a work climate where individuals feel able to give of their best, to learn and develop to their full potential. An important way managers can create this environment is by reinforcing more
Culture Change in Your Organisation
‘We need to change the culture round here’ is a cry that is often heard, particularly when an organisation has a new leadership team or when mergers and acquisitions take place. Yet, how ready and able is an organisation to change its culture? more
Senior Leaders' Effective Strategy in a Recession
Given the current economic climate, how do you retain a viable strategy in the face of what many feel has become an upside-down business world? It is sadly the case for some individuals and organisations, that the certainties of the last decade or more
Customer Focused Leaders
How do you get senior managers to live and breathe the customer? Sarah Cook and Steve Macaulay explain how a framework devised by management consultants McKinsey can help focus the minds of top managersLearning PointsSenior managers are often more
Customer Experience in a Difficult Economic Climate
In difficult times consumers have a choice about where they spend their money. Those organisations that provide excellent customer service are more likely to not only retain their customers but to attract new ones. So how do you do this in times more
Customer Experience Standards and Service Level Agreements
Both service standards and service level agreements are methods used by service providers to ensure consistency of service.In this article Sarah Cook describes how to set service standards and service level agreements and ensure that they are more
Designing Questionnaires to help Establish Learning needs
Sending a questionnaire to gather data to help identify learning and development needs is probably the most used method in the trainer or HR professional's repertoire. But what is the best way to design a questionnaire? What are the pitfalls to more
Designing your own Training Games
There may be occasions when you decide it is appropriate to design your own training game. The first step is to be clear about the learning outcomes that you would like to achieve in undertaking the activity. What are the objectives? Consider where more
Developing Senior Managers
Steve Macaulay and Sarah Cook explore how to grow the capabilities of senior managers.Much of the millions companies spend on management development is wasted. Yet another report has come out, this time from Oxford Saïd Business School, saying more
Developing Strategy
Increasingly managers are expressing a view that they want to develop their strategic skills to help them better understand their organizations.This article provides an introduction to corporate strategy including:• The language of strategy and more

"Over the years The Stairway Consultancy has become a key partner to our business. Their services have proved an invaluable tool in taking individuals forward in their careers and thus developing the organisation. Their approach to working in partnership has certainly helped us to achieve our objectives, and we value the contribution Stairway makes to the business. I always look forward to working with their professional, open and warm consultants, and would highly recommend The Stairway Consultancy to any business that is seeking to grow, inspire and develop their teams."
We have a wide range of Training Games, Activities, Toolkits, Books and DVDs.