Stairway wins prize in the Cookham Challenge in aid of Wheel Power …


Well known for its leadership and team building activities, the Stairway Consultancy based in Marlow, took to the field (and river) at the Rotary Cookham Regatta recently.

Sarah Cook, Stairway’s Managing Director, threw down the gauntlet and accepted the ‘Cookham Challenge’, a series of events designed to test the skills of the most enthusiastic and committed  competitors.  And help raise money for local charity.

Despite facing formidable opposition and a minor injury, the team completed five gruelling events to win a prize. Stairway did particularly well in the volleyball and funny walk but stood little chance against the sheer weight of their opponents in the tug of war. Despite unusual navigation, they won their canoe-cats event by a fantastic five lengths, thanks to determined and impressive synchronised paddling.

This year was the second occasion the Stairway team included Dragon Boat racing as part of their challenge. But even following extensive and dedicated training, victory was snatched away in the final stretch.  Although the last moments were undoubtedly exciting for the spectators it became clear that the team were once again unlucky as they were hindered by a flock of low flying geese and the wake of a passing boat.

Whatever the outcome, one thing was absolutely clear. Everyone had a fantastic day out and was delighted to raise money for local charity, Wheel Power.